Wednesday 17 October 2012

It's all coming along nicely :]

Okay so after spending a bit more time on developing my website's look-n-feel as well as functionality i now have something to show for all that time spent researching, thinking, planning and developing.

You will hopefully notice a variety of clickable menu options available to navigate through the site and how they display (colour wise) once selected as a way of understanding where you can go, and then where you are within the site every step of the way. Something of great importance!

My next step is to now add some interactivity to the images by way of making them automatically change to a new image after a few seconds or by way of developing clickable arrow buttons that allow the user to click through the images at their own pace (similar to that used on Facebook). 

The "<" and ">" characters (positioned middle-left and middle-right of the image) are that i feel i need to use for buttons, i just need to work out the best way to write them into the html code. I have some code that will help make this work, i'm still just getting my head around it :]

All-inall though, i am happy with my progress and Roy (my lecturer) has informed me that i'm miles ahead of everyone else and have no need to stress about things.

So i will stick at it in order have it all completed and ready to upload to my hosting mod so that it can be "live" on the internet for all the world to see!! quite exciting!


About section: will include details relating to who i
am, what my business is all about and list the
clients i have worked with.

It will also give details on any current or up-n-coming
news and events linked to a personal blog format.

photografic images section: will include some of
my best photographs from each specified genre.
Any portrait (vertical) images may be displayed in a
side-by-side arrangement so the centre area is filled.

Contact section: will include all of my need-to-know
details in order to contact me.

I like the idea of including a enquiry/comments form.
This requires a little setting-up, in order for it to function
correctly (i'm told), but is nothing difficult.

I will also include clickable icons to any online social
networking sites i might have established accounts with.
(eg LinkedIn, Facebook, 500pixels, model-mayhem)

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