Monday 24 September 2012


Just thought i would add a quick blog entry showing my current web-page that is live on the world wide web.

It is simply a JPEG graphic that i created in Photoshop displayed on the index.html file. There is no real functionality to it, but it does display my contact details and give a reasonable spread of my style of photography for any potential clients.


My current webpage - soon to be replaced :]

Sunday 23 September 2012

Website design #2.

Okay so after a few weeks of trial and error over my original design and how i would then slice it all up to be able to configure it in Dreamweaver with the use of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and HTML code i started to re-think and then modify the design somewhat.

This took a good week and a bit to decide upon and get looking right whilst still maintaining functionality within simplicity, but i now have a working result to show Roy.

My focus is on simplicity overall with a clean collection of photographs and minimal text - just the facts really.

Below are a collection of screen-grabs from my laptop as i was creating the interface design in Adobe Photoshop CS6.

I have created a managed site within dreamweaver that allows me to preview what i have developed in Safari as a "dummie website" so that i can check for any issues related to functionality and how it displays within a browser-based software.

Hope you like it,
